Program to design steel and composite joints in accordance with Eurocode 3
CoP is an innovative computer program for the design of joints in steel and composite structures. The calculations are made in full accordance with the new Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1-8) using the so-called component method. This new calculation method not only leads to a more economic structural design, it also gives a better insight into the behaviour of the joint. The joint is central here, as it is an important factor in determining the costs of a structure.
In close cooperation and with the support of the steel industry, a userfriendly calculation program has been developped. Using modern software technics the software fits perfectly with the needs of engineers and draughtsmen. All joint details will be defined in clearly arranged data input masks. During input, all data will be visualised in scaled 2D or 3D views and a data check module monitors if the requirements of Eurocode 3 like bolt end distances, required weld sizes, etc. are fulfilled and, if needed, valid valules are proposed.